Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Listing Impact on Holding Company

Ujjivan Small Finance Bank, the auxiliary of Ujjivan Financial Services initiated its first exchange on BSE at a cost of Rs 58 on December 12. It got recorded with a premium of about 56.75 percent which is higher than the issue cost of Rs 37 for each offer. The Rs 750 Cr public issue is getting a gigantic reaction. Moreover, the stock showed a decent working exhibition and resource quality in April to September 2019 contrasted with the prior years.

The market master Hemang Jani, Senior Vice President, Sharekhan shared his perspectives on the Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Listing in a meeting with ETNow and some more.


Q: Are you expecting a guard posting for Ujjivan Small Finance Bank?

He said truly, in light of the market assumption for IPOs. Also, Ujjivan SFB showed a decent improvement in profit with respect to NPL quality. Aside from it, the development perceivability is around 18-20%. According to the master, the stock may open around Rs 52.

Then again, the posting sway is probably going to be on the holding organization Ujjivan Financial Services. As per our board ballpark count, the reasonable estimation of Ujjivan would be around 350 to 360 premise posting of about Rs 50.


Q: PSU Banks are again in center. A few measures have been taken so as to support cash stream and transmission in the close to term. What do you say about the most recent turns of events? 

Right now, there is a requirement for ideal results in the market. The administration is investigating every possibility to recoup liquidity and transmission. It additionally attempts to bring back the feeling. Notwithstanding, we are not yet to perceive any significant cash re-visitation of the PSU banks. According to the master, the market would not get this decidedly until there are genuine numbers in the books.


Q: Bhushan Steel bargain most likely endorsed because of IBC changes and ring-fencing on obligation. Presently JSW won't at risk for Bhushan Fraud. Will it be the primary hindrance to the procurement?

At long last, ring-fencing and no risk with respect to the purchaser would demonstrate a positive sign for the whole segments. Scarcely any PSU banks are probably going to encounter a re-rating. The specialists accepted that the market would not respond decidedly except if the cash re-visitation of the banks and the arrangement delivers a decent outcome.



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