Robust Earnings for Gas Companies, ICICI Bank


Expert Views on Robust Earnings for Gas Companies, ICICI Bank


Expert Gautam Duggad talked on hearty profit for Gas Companies and ICICI Bank. Indian Stock Market proceeded with its defeat for the third day straight on December 26, preceding the expiry of December Futures and Options contracts. We should look at how the market will perform today. Gautam Duggad from Motilal Oswal Financial Services imparted his perspectives in a meeting to CNBC-TV18.


ICICI Bank, one of the enormous top stocks has been consistently making riches consistently. Do you accept that could proceed with its reliable execution in 2020? Is it pretty much not in favour?


Gautam Duggad said "Truly, I figure it can proceed with its remarkable execution. Profit improvement is still past us. I feel the bank has moderate slippages and very strong retail credits. Moreover, their auxiliaries are doing very well. With everything taken into account, the valuations are as yet not costly. In actuality, the benefit cycle has turned with a portion of the IBC cases are getting settled."


"Throughout the following couple of years, not just ICICI Bank purchase additionally all the corporate banks look extremely strong effect," he included. He further said that ICICI Bank has been the beating stock in the enormous top private financial space. As a matter of fact, over the most recent two years, this is one stock which has blown everybody's mind. I accept, we despite everything haven't seen the best of the corporate banks yet.


The stock Reliance which stays in center since the most recent week and is come up about 7% from its highs. Could this court request put the dependence rampo bargain in danger? The amount of the negative impact do you figure it could be. Okay recommend that financial specialists purchase on a plunge thinking about how solid the stock has been?


Gautam said "With regards to the stock Reliance we need to take a gander at two distinct perspectives. One is administrative while the other is the center key to the independent refining and petrochemical business." He further included that Singapore GRM directed fundamentally. Polymer costs additionally down significantly both on YoY and QoQ."


Later he determined "the odds of a procuring part in the independent business can not be precluded. However, the stock has been responding on the phone related issues and news. This has been extraordinary compared to other execution. I don't think it is outlandish. It is an exceptionally high chance occasion that the stock can stay uninvolved for quite a while until we see some second in the center business too. With the news stream from the administrative front, there can be some probability of time rectification also. In any case, I will take a gander at any enormous scoops of purchasing opportunity in this business in light of the fact that both retail and telecom are not finding very well."


What's going on with a portion of these gas organizations. They have been large gainers this year, for example, Gujarat Gas beat. According to the news, CRISIL has overhauled bank evaluations too. What is your top pick in this space? Do you see more expected vigorous profit here?


Gautam Duggad said "Profit development has been difficult to consolidate. This pack of stocks have conveyed strong income development in the last five-six quarters regarding volume development, evaluating development. Likewise, Return proportions are incredibly strong."


"Utility sort of business that is one worry that we are having for 9 months. The Government or Regulator to extend the geological zones and welcome more rivalry that can be a potential derating which can occur in a portion of the stocks. Right now, we are remaining with Gujarat Gas," he included.




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