Railway board Vinod Kumar Yadav Latest Interview


Expert Railway board Vinod Kumar Yadav Latest Interview 

The executive of Railway board Vinod Kumar Yadav latest meeting

The restructuring that approved by the cabinet clearly the leaner railway board structure is a move towards corporate icing. so, is this the way for Indian railway having a corporate structure and also in other functions of railways?

There is no understanding of corporate thoughts starting at now. What we are doing prior that will be the two waters on departmental lines, there were issues with respect to storehouse working, so what government has concluded that railroad board will be rebuilt and functionalized lines. It will be a pioneer and more proficient so we have concluded we will go for drafting autonomous non-leader individuals, who will be specialists in the field of industry account the board and they will carry their own mastery to the table.

As of now, you have 8 members, that membership has now been cut down. Three post members will be let go and you have 5 members including the chairman and the CEO 


Vinod Kumar Yadav:

What more significant is correct now 8 board individuals and 8 or 9 our administrations. So, each ionizer spoke to by board individuals. Presently we are going on a practical premise. In the interim, there will be four board individuals, one part will be foundation we searching for the whole framework then one will have a part or jail and business improvement.

In the railroad board, we will be taking arrangement choices every vital course and powerful arranging. So, it will be greatly improved if these board individuals are there searching for the whole fragment instead of the departmental premise. Individuals were considering the development have their own specialization that was the difficult we are confronting. Presently we are expecting the adjustment in this board structure, the whole railroad board, and officials moving in the direction of one shared objective and that is rail route development.


Can you tell us more about if you are going to have a relook at freight rates how will you go-ahead with? what kind of modalities will you look at while revising or relooking freight rates?

The fundamental goal of the Indian railroad is to expand the models here. Presently a ton of traffic is moving by street and that makes an issue for the nation. In the interim from the ecological perspective additionally and the calculated expense likewise expanded, so it influences the economy too. For the advantages of the Indian economy and for the condition it's fundamental that models they are railroads expanded.

Throughout the previous five years, we are chipping away at this, we have taken framework advancement in a major manner and we have organized our work. Indeed, we have arranged all our framework in the supercritical class.

How many permits projects are in this practical critical? 

They are 58 undertakings which will sort four basic ventures and the discovered prerequisite is exceptionally little around Rs 8000 crore. So we are focusing on those activities and absolutely, we will ready to finish those tasks.


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